Assignment 9


Due Date: April 20, 2017
Point Total: 10 points

California Hillshade

For this assignment you will be creating three separate hillshades for California.


  1. Add the California DEM to ArcMap
    1. This DEM is found at to add to ArcMap use the following steps
      1. Click the Add Data button
      2. From the Look in: drop-down choose GIS Servers
      3. Click the Add ArcGIS Server option
      4. Select Use GIS services option and click Next
      5. For the Server URL: type
      6. Do not enter a User Name or Password
      7. Click Finish
      8. Navigate into new connection then open the Earthquakes folder
      9. Add the CaliforniaDEM layer to ArcMap
  2. Create a standard hillshade using the default hillshade tool.
  3. Download and unzip the Terrain Tools found at
  4. Add the toolbox to ArcMap
  5. Create two additional terrain representations using the tools/techniques from the toolbox.
    • Prior to creating your terrain representations be sure to read the documentation found in the Doc folder to understand what each tool actually does.
    • Some of these techniques will be slow due to the amount of processing they do.
What to turn in:
  1. An letter size map for each of these terrain representations along with some reference data overlaid on top of them